Saturday, March 9, 2013

Barbie and Ken on the Cutting Edge of Excitement

           It’s not common knowledge, but Barbie and Ken have been married for 7 whole years today, March 9!  What a lot of living for them. Today's celebration includes a night on the town. The Dream Couple plans to scoot along in the Barbie-car to the Art's Council event: Clay County’s Got Talent Review.  Barbie will wear one of her couture outfits, minus the hat and gloves.  Ken might shrug the tux, but a sport coat is a must.  He’s just not dressed without one.
           This morning’s coffee and muffins were shared in the den of the Barbie Dream House, with Ken in his recliner and Barbie in her’s. Barbie checked her messages on her pink Barbie Smart Phone and her emails on the Barbie lap-top.   Fluff the Barbie-cat (who is “rare”) has not been seen for a very long time, rumored to be in a plastic bin in the Barbie-basement. Real-life Hershey prefers to sit at Barbie’s side every minute of every day and is much cuter.
           Later this morning, Barbie and Ken will work together on their various projects:  Ken will be tiling the enlarged dream-shower in the Master Bath and Barbie will be using the Barbie-sewing machine, making polka-dot and print fashion aprons for the Spring Crafts Fair.  Barbie and Ken live on the cutting edge of excitement!
           The Seven-Year-Itch has not been the subject of any conversations regarding Barbie and Ken.  No Monroe-Moment for this couple.  Should anything like that arise, Barbie would be shopping for a Ken-Kasket.

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