Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Jean McBride Mystery

More than one mystery surrounds Jane E McBride Campbell. A new one recently unfolded with no answers and plenty of questions.
Cousin  J. Cooper Usrey discovered a dusty volume of classic literature. The volume contains no copyright date in the now customary location but it was published in 1861. The illustrator is of significance- Gustave Dore (Google him): the volume is Don Quixote.

An inscription is contained within the book along with the signature of the owner of the book: Frances Usrey. (Frances Gordon Usrey or Frances Usrey Hamel?)

Many questions. No answers.

Can anyone find genealogical proof of a lady named Jean McBride Campbell, the lady who may have been married to John M. Campbell of Lincoln County, Tennessee, the man who  also married a lady named Amy in Dallas County, Alabama? This woman (Jean McBride) could be the mother of Jane McBride Campbell and Mahala Campbell Moseley, and several other older children who were born in Tennessee.

Everyone loves a good mystery. You have mysteries and unsolved riddles in your family and I have them in mine.

Check it out.
The House on Harrison Street:  The Gordon-Ritchie Saga is told as creative non-fiction. It contains stories, conversations, tidbits and morsels to answer lingering questions. Some questions have no answer.

The book will be launched during the Camden Daffodil Festival:  March 11-12-13, 2016.

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