Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Horne's Drug Store building - The Wesley Center

The program (*OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) for the Genealogy Society will be on Sunday, April 24 at 2PM. But, the program will not be held at the First Methodist Great Hall. Instead it will be held at The Wesley Center. The Wesley Center is the former HORNE'S DRUG STORE BUILDING! How COOL is that! I am so excited!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April Adventures Continue - Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mt. Holly and Lisbon area
                April, 1979 - Sunday afternoon - Mother and Lou Rushing were driving home from the Mt. Holly area in Union County.They'd been tromping around in cemeteries and around the old Gordon home place, the Gordon Plantation, the Sue Gordon Estate. They were on a quest for James Jefferson Tooke's grave site. James Jefferson Tooke was Jane Elizabeth Tooke Gordon's father who traveled to Union County with Jane Elizabeth and Thomas Bullock Gordon.
                Mother and Lou were unsuccessful in their quest and to boot, they were accosted by wind and hail as a F3 tornado swept into the Camden area and exited through south Camden. Read that story at
Margaret Jane, Goss, and Thomas Gordon Dansby

You can hear more stories and learn about research for the book The House on Harrison Street: the Gordon-Ritchie Saga on Sunday, April 24, 2016, at The Great Hall at the First United Methodist Church in Camden. See you at 2 PM!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Frances, Susie, Mildred
Facebook or Hallmark created Siblings Day.

Having someone other than yourself as the source of joy to your parents.
Having a wing man or wing girl during trouble.
Having someone operate as the perpetual little to your big.
Having someone function as the perpetual answer to your question.

And then one day, you are each other's best friend, strongest ally, best cheerleader.
One day, you grow up and know you are not alone in this world.

The Gordon Sisters (Alice, Susie, Janie, Frances, Mildred) and their brother (George).
My aunt and my daddy.  (Betty and Goss)
My mother and my uncle. (Margaret and Gordon)
My brother and me. (Thomas Gordon and Margaret Jane)

The Ritchie Brothers (James Franklin, George Louis, John Campbell)
The Ritchie Sisters (Frances Alabama, Martha Virginia, Ella Jane)

Read about this fluid dynamic in The House on Harrison Street: The Gordon-Ritchie Saga
Mildred and Frances




Susie, George, Alice


Margaret and Gordon
Bonus: Sister-Cousins Pam and M Jane
Thomas and M Jane