Friday, September 16, 2016

Monday.-September 19 at 6:30 PM in Camden

I have updated my presentation for the Ouachita County Historical Society. For those of you who will be able to come to the meeting in Camden at 6:30 PM on Monday, September 19, please know that the presentation will be conversational, informal, and open for others to share stories, memories of Camden prior to the 1960's.
I'll have a PowerPoint to entertain you with pictures and a few stories.
Location: on the OCHS campus at the Ingham Library. How many of you remember actually going to that little library that was located at the corner of Harrison and Washington?
I'll have copies of The House on Harrison Street and several CD/DVDs. The book is $25 and the CD is $10.
A friend asked this question:  Did George L Ritchie serve during the Civil War?
The answer is "Yes." It's documented in Chapter 7, Note 1 in the book. The group he was with, etc. is noted and the information is included in Uncle George's obituary.

1 comment:

  1. We would like to order a copy of the book. Please provide ordering information
