Sunday, October 11, 2015

Road to the Sun

Are there words to describe the Going to the Sun Road? Glacier National Park did not occupy a slot on our itinerary, but then Nancy said, “Oh, you can’t come to Montana and not see Glacier!” How glad we are that we took her advice.
The majesty of the mountains, glaciers, and road to get to the top had us playing a word game. Here are some paltry descriptors: astounding, breathtaking, towering, timeless, staggering, gargantuan!

The 150 mile drive on Hwy 93 from Missoula, MT to Whitefish and Kalispell terrible, though, after going 80 on fantastic interstate highways. The varying speed limits ranging from 60 to 25 with no seeming rhyme or reason for the variance was a nightmare to drive. But, we did it. So glad we did and incredibly glad we saw Glacier NP with its splendor and the fall colors.

We got back to Missoula and then whisked over  through Idaho on a bobsled ride down the mountains into the Bitterroot Range with the forested blankets on either side of the highway. Our dash-cam has captured the thrill-rides along with the beauty.

We’re in Spokane Valley, WA, preparing for another adventure following 90 and then 84 along the Lewis and Clark Route to the Pacific Ocean. We’ll follow the Columbia and Snake Rivers as they did!

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