Friday, February 8, 2013

Ladies' Dorm Companion: Long Live the Co-ed's Code

          My mother trained me in all aspects of etiquette, but I received additional  training in college from The Co-ed’s Code, authored by the AWS (Association of Women Students) under the leadership and direction of Dean Bernice Smith, Dean of Women.  This little booklet was small enough to tuck into a co-ed’s bra, to be produced at a moment’s notice to check the rules and regs required for lady-like behavior, should said "lady" be in doubt.  An example of appropriate female behavior could be, “If in doubt, turn your back to your professor, boyfriend’s father, sorority house-mother, or college dean when pulling your asthma inhaler from your bra.”  Additionally, if a lady has imbibed too much, “always stand down-wind from Dean Smith and President Russell, ….or drink Scope.”
          The most memorable instructions, however, in the Co-ed’s Code related to dress, appearances, and behavior.

Rule 1 from Co-Ed’s Code:  Ladies are not seen in public in shorts….but ladies can be seen in a perverted get-up of gym shorts or swimming suits covered by a flasher-style raincoat, in any and all weather. Other lady-like/modesty rules include this one - Ladies should always throw clean granny-style panties to fraternity men during a “Panty-Raid.”

Rule 2 from Co-Ed’s Code:  Ladies do not walk holding a cigarette.  Instead, ladies draw a lingering drag, blow smoke rings, set the cigarette down in an appropriate ashtray, walk to the next seating area in the Student Union and ask friends to pass the cigarette, hand by hand by hand by hand until it is received between fingertips sporting manicured and polished nails.  Use generous splashes of Chanel No. 5 to cover the tobacco odor.

Rule 3 from Co-Ed’s Code:  Ladies do not form bread-lines at teas.  This rule is to avoid the appearance of having propensity to stand in a commodities line or an employment line. Ladies visit with each other, keeping an eye peeled for an opening at the tea table.  When an appropriate entry space is available, ladies should sashay to the table and load up multiple plates with all the remaining finger sandwiches and chocolate cake.  Ladies should grab a cup of punch and plenty of napkins to use instead of sleeves. Napkins with stains may be thrown away more easily than a blouse or jacket.
           I found my copy of The Coed's Code when going through items for the Burn Pile in order to reduce the number of boxes stored in the basement bedroom.  I could not bring myself to burn it, though I wished to do so many times during my college years. I internalized those 3 rules and added them to my Southern Lady Rule Book, the Camden edition, authored by my mother. You can read those 10 entries in my next post.  Each is written with the same level of respect that you sense in reading the 3 rules explained above.

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