Monday, March 7, 2016

She could spit watermelon seeds like a champ.

      Sunday dinners: grandmother at the head of the table, taking such a long time to eat that no one thought dessert would ever be served. A generous-sized monogrammed linen napkin spread across her lap, Mrs. Horne "patted her food," never took too much into her mouth, chewed with her mouth closed, and covered her plate with her hand as she shook a liberal amount of salt onto everything. Never did she make a clinking sound with her spoon against the glass as she stirred plenty of sugar into her iced tea. She sipped soup from the side of the spoon's bowl without slurping.

This same lady ate squirrel brains with scrambled eggs for breakfast and could spit watermelon seeds like a champ.

The House on Harrison Street will be available at the Camden Daffodil Festival on Friday and Saturday, March 11-12, 2016. The cost of the 8 x 10 size paperback of is $20. The 208 page saga contains a full bibliography, end notes by chapter, and an index. A CD to accompany the book will be available. It contains more pictures and a few documents. Cost of the CD is $10.

I'll be at the Great Hall Friday and Saturday afternoons and at the Ramsey House and the Gordon House in the mornings; that's the plan, anyway.
Friday evening 6-8PM, I'm hosting a drop-by at the Holiday Inn.

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