Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Daffodils Weather the Flood

Margaret in 1927 (approx) - Ouachita River

The forecast for the Daffodil Festival Weekend looks wet.

Wet may be an understatement.

To quote one of the river watchers, "The Ouachita goes where it wants to go. The people who live in the flood-prone areas know this. They've lived with it for their entire lives and know what to do."

 Forecasts suggest that Sandy Beach will be "inundated" as will the River Walk area at the foot of Washington Street. Those of us who have lived in Camden, high above the winding river, have watched this river flood time and time again.

Whatever the case, the weekend will be interesting. The organizers always have plans B and C for the Festival.

Hwy 7 north of the Ouachita River bridge, I think.

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